
82 Sad and Funny Tyler The Creator Quotes About Rapping



Tyler, the Creator has had his fair share of controversy on and off the stage in his music career. However, it’s drive and persistence that we adore here at Execute Resources.

Like any good rapper, he’s creative and drives inspiration from his own story and challenges. So if you need a dose of motivation and want to say goodbye to authority, then these quotes are for you.

1. I think I’m good. that’s all that matters.

Tyler The Creator

2. I’m a really, really, smart, multi-talented almost-genius, who’s very annoying.

Tyler The Creator

3. I’ve never been embarrassed or afraid. If I meet an obstacle, there always a way to go over it, under it or blow the roof off it.

Tyler The Creator

4. I do not want to make people around me unhappy. I like to make people happy.

Tyler The Creator

5. What’s odd about the future? I think we’re all gonna die pretty soon, and the animals are gonna take over—like ostriches and shit. I think they’re gonna take over the world and we’re gonna be their slaves.

Tyler The Creator

6. I don’t smoke at all. I think that cigarettes are actually retarded. I don’t understand why people do that to themselves.

Tyler The Creator

7. If I fail, I move on. That’s it.

Tyler The Creator

8. I never want to grow up.

Tyler The Creator

9. Well, a lot of people think that stuff is deeper than it really is. Some people just think too much.

Tyler The Creator

10. I wasn’t shy, but I was really hyper. Nobody got my sense of humor. I was a black skater kid.

Tyler The Creator

11. Unlike most of the people I grew up with, I got out.

Tyler The Creator

12. In High School I was friends with the white skaters, the black rappers and the nerds.

Tyler The Creator

13. You’ll be surprised the type of races that I bring together, which is really cool. The races are cool—the people kinda suck, some of their mentalities.

Tyler The Creator

14. I just live life. I grew up in a Christian family, but, you know, the way Mom brought me up is to, you know, do you, to always be yourself.

Tyler The Creator

15. You want to be successful, but you want to keep your creative vision.

Tyler The Creator

16. I love talking about music. I’ll show you a song and break it down for 50 minutes. I’m a geek about it.

Tyler The Creator

17. It may not make you popular and it isn’t easy.

Tyler The Creator

18. I’m like a big 10-year-old when I’m on stage. I just go up there and do whatever I think is cool at the time.

Tyler The Creator

19. I tweet early in the morning when I wake up or late at night just to let you know that I have a show or what’s on my mind, and that’s it. I hate Snapchat and all of that. It’s making kids so stupid.

Tyler The Creator

20. I think, if I had a dad, I would have went the normal college route. I’m so stoked my life panned out how it was.

Tyler The Creator

21. I’m gonna just continue to be myself and do what I like. Again, people are just so quick to judge shit ’cause they don’t understand it. But I understand what I’m doing, and that’s all that should matter.

Tyler The Creator

22. Youth is something I never wanna take for granted. I just want to smile and live life.

Tyler The Creator

23. I want to do films and have my name mentioned next to Wes Anderson and Quentin Tarantino. I don’t want my name mentioned next to other rappers at all.

Tyler The Creator

24. You gotta keep things fun…Laughing is really important to your health, believe it or not, so I guess I just always try to have fun and keep the energy alive.

Tyler The Creator

25. A lot of people would ask me to perform at their things—I’ve turned down a lot of shit ’cause I just don’t fuck with it.

Tyler The Creator

26. Since day one, I’ve always wanted to make the prettiest s*it that’s borderline boring or the hardest f**king sh*t…I’ve been trying to mix those together since my first album.

Tyler The Creator

27. If it doesn’t really excite me or it’s not on my goal list, I say no. Sometimes I don’t want all this shit on me. Sometimes people only look at me, and I have to remind them that it’s, like, seven other niggas I’m with.

Tyler The Creator

28. I want to make as much money as I possibly can so that when my day comes, my mother and sister is fine. My close friends are fine. They don’t have to worry about anything ever again.

Tyler The Creator

29. I’m a pretty nice dude. I have fun, and people take it the wrong way.

Tyler The Creator

30. I still can’t read music to this day, still can’t even tell you what chord I’m playing, I just know.

Tyler The Creator

31. Wherever my curiosity takes me, I follow. If I f**king hate it, I’m on to the next thing. A lot of people don’t move like that and it just boggles my mind. It’s like a math problem I can’t comprehend.

Tyler The Creator

32. I don’t like the word ‘brand,’ because it makes me think of a bunch of people sitting around a table… but I (proactively) do things to avoid repeating myself.

Tyler The Creator

33. Tell these black kids they can be who they are. Dye your hair blue. Sh*t, I’ll do it too.

Tyler The Creator

34. You cop kush, my nigga I cop houses and fill ’em with some Leo Di Caps and some Cole Sprouse’s.

Tyler The Creator

35. My lyrics aren’t offensive. Some people find everything offensive.

Tyler The Creator

36. I don’t like people around me sad. I like making people happy.

Tyler The Creator

37. I don’t like being put in a box. I just make music, you know?

Tyler The Creator

38. I’m an optimistic guy. I’m one of those big dreamers. I’m one of those kids with that annoying imagination.

Tyler The Creator

39. I really want to sing, but my tone is really much deeper than what I want.

Tyler The Creator

40. I think people get caught up in having an identity.

Tyler The Creator

41. There are people I really admire. But they influence me pretty heavy right now because my own style is still blossoming. So I’m not going to tell you who they are because then you’ll know where I’m stealing from.

Tyler The Creator

42. I am a businessman, you have never been a man.

Tyler The Creator

43. I want to take Justin Bieber for a month and just lock him up in a cage where we sit and make music. He’s one of the most successful people in the world, but his music could be so much tighter.

Tyler The Creator

44. In school I was the one thinking outside of boxes, so everybody in them would say I got problems.

Tyler The Creator

45. I love my raps, but I’m never happy with them as I think they could be better.

Tyler The Creator

46. I’m not a follower. I’m a leader. And anyone who speaks their mind is always criticized.

Tyler The Creator

47. You just gotta be aware of certain shit and just know.

Tyler The Creator

48. It’s actually beautiful that we’re aware of this superpower that we have where we’re just us, no matter what. We don’t get nervous in front of people. We look in the mirror and we’re okay with it.

Tyler The Creator

49. I’m not into fashion, but I like design. I wear the same shoes every day.

Tyler The Creator

50. Rap is really just too conventional. Everybody does the same thing. No one ever pushes the box.

Tyler The Creator

51. Yeah, it’s crazy that sometimes we put so much emphasis on words and what’s said rather than that energy and the feeling of it.

Tyler The Creator

52. I’m running like a politician!

Tyler The Creator

53. People are more obsessed with the idea of failing than the idea of succeeding.

Tyler The Creator

54. Somebody called me a homophobe. I’m not.

Tyler The Creator

55. I just want everyone to be awesome. That’s all it is. I want everyone to be cool in their own way.

Tyler The Creator

56. They say success is the best revenge so I beat DeShay up with the stack of magazines I’m in.

Tyler The Creator

57. Everyone around me isn’t dumb. I could bring them with me on the zombie-apocalypse team.

Tyler The Creator

58. I was sitting like, there’s nothing I want to buy. I was fully okay with life. It was nothing I was stressed about. I wasn’t sore nowhere. I’m financially good. Everyone around me is healthy. No grudges. The weather was great.

Tyler The Creator

59. I want the cheesy dates at the movies, the stupid walks at the beach and sharing straws in a cup.

Tyler The Creator

60. Don’t be scared of color.

Tyler The Creator

61. I sold my soul to the devil. Lucifer will have my soul.

Tyler The Creator

62. Do what the fuck makes you happy. Because in the end, who’s there? You.

Tyler The Creator

63. I can grab the fireworks, the soda, all the cookies we can eat. Make you nauseous but be cautious, this is not Dawson’s Creek.

Tyler The Creator

64. Run it up sounds like victory

Tyler The Creator

65. Honestly, I’m a weak bitch. My punches are not good. I can run fast, but if I had to hold somebody from falling off a cliff, they’re going to die.

Tyler The Creator

66. Jesus called and said he sick of the disses. I told him to quit bitchin’

Tyler The Creator

67. I don’t like to sit on the couch and watch Netflix, I like being outside and I like when the sun is right here.

Tyler The Creator

68. I live in my own head and it all makes sense to me.

Tyler The Creator

69. For the record, I don’t worship the devil. I just hate religion.

Tyler The Creator

70. If the world was ending, I think I would grab some Cinnamon Toast Crunch, a bunch of water, and I’d probably just… I’d probably go crazy.

Tyler The Creator

71. I’m not trying to change the direction of anything. I’m just doing what I wanna do, saying what I wanna say, and if the shit happens to change, then that’s cool. But I just like making the music I like making.

Tyler The Creator

72. I don’t have a therapist, so I use me as my own therapist when I’m making the music.

Tyler The Creator

73. I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know much about color theory. I never went to school for it. So I don’t know the rules. I just know what I think looks good and what I don’t like.

Tyler The Creator

74. Being in love is cool as hell, like having feelings and sh*t, it’s tight.

Tyler The Creator

75. When you finally find someone to listen to you after years of not being taken seriously, you hold that shit to your heart.

Tyler The Creator

76. I’m not an asshole, I just don’t give a fuck a lot.

Tyler The Creator

77. I never had a drink in my life. I don’t smoke or anything.

Tyler The Creator

78. Usually, when I’m rapping ‘, I’m making a big story or a concept song that sounds like a movie to me.

Tyler The Creator

79. I want to design jewelry for girls and guys… I’ma spread it out, but I’ma design, probably when I’m just designing furniture and buildings, I’ll probably being the jewelry thing, too.

Tyler The Creator

80. I like my raps but I’m never too happy with some of ’em because I feel like they could be better. But every time I hear my flow on that song I wow myself.

Tyler The Creator

81. Most people want to do what they want, but they’re not allowed to, so I’m like their escape to say all the shit they wish they could say.

Tyler The Creator

82. I really want to sing, but my tone of voice is really too deep to do what I want.

Tyler The Creator