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75 Uplifting Casey Neistat Quotes to Get A Bigger Bite Out Of Life



Hard work, consistency and an artistic mind led him to 1 billion Youtube views for Casey Neistat who continues to generate fans across the world. When he’s not getting off on some long-haul flight filled with caviar, champagne and tons of humour, he’s has some surprisingly decent things to say for the ambitious soul in every one of us.

Casey Neistat was born in Connecticut in 1981 and is an American YouTube personality, filmmaker and vlogger. He is also the co-founder of the multi-media company Beme. which was later acquired by CNN.

Neistat dropped out of high school aged 17 and lived with his son and then girlfriend in a trailer park while working as a dishwasher. He moved to New York City in 2001 and began working with his brother and Tom Sachs, to make a series of films about the artists sculptures and installations. Between then and 2010, he worked on a various film projects including iPod’s Dirty Secret, Science Experiments and The Neistat Brothers.

He began uploading videos to YouTube in 2010, which led to daily vlogs in 2015. Among his most popular videos, was snowboarding in New York City streets during the January 2016 United States Blizzard. The clip gained 6.5 million viewers on YouTube within 24 hours. By August that year he had 4 million channel subscribers, which has since increased to over 12 million.

Neistat’s viewers continue to grow, along with his desire to be unconventional. The daring star is always living his best life and has plenty to say about how we can reciprocate, for that bigger bite in life we all want to take.

1. Ideas are cheap. Ideas are easy. Ideas are common. Everybody has ideas. Ideas are highly, highly overvalued. Execution is all that matters.

Casey Neistat

2. The only way you can have a job and sleep at work whenever you want is when you own the company.

Casey Neistat

3. You can always be the hardest working person in the room, and I think the hardest working person will always win.

Casey Neistat

4. Retirement is what people do when they wait to die.

Casey Neistat

5. The right time is always right now.

Casey Neistat

6. Inspiration is for amateurs, the rest of us just show up and work.

Casey Neistat

7. It’s the execution that matters, never the idea.

Casey Neistat

8. Being in NYC in your 20s is an extraordinary experience. If you want it and you can make it happen.. well then you should make it happen.

Casey Neistat

9. Just trying to live our lives and figuring out how to turn that into art. It’s tough to say that the art was premeditated. Instead you just focused on living. ‘How do I want to live? What do I want to do?’ Then you figured out how to make that into art.

Casey Neistat

10. Some distance can really make you appreciate what you have.

Casey Neistat

11. Go to bed when you’ve finished work—not earlier.

Casey Neistat

12. I never want money that I didn’t earn.

Casey Neistat

13. When you get bullied, success is the best revenge. Always remember: the kids who bully you are losers, and will remain losers.

Casey Neistat

14. Experience does for the soul, what education does for the mind.”

Casey Neistat


Casey Neistat

16. I think you should dress nicely for airports. You’re surrounded by people coming from all walks of life. You should look your best.

Casey Neistat

17. Phone calls, that is actually interrupting someone’s life to have them talk on the phone, should be reserved for emergencies only.

Casey Neistat

18. Look back at your life. It’s always the hardest times that made you who you are.

Casey Neistat

19. Be nice to people. It’s not cool when people are unfriendly.

Casey Neistat

20. I’ll never get back all the time I’ve spent unsubscribing from marketing emails.

Casey Neistat

21. As a director, I have the greatest job in the world, but if I don’t push the boundaries, then what’s the point of having it?

Casey Neistat

22. Overthinking the process will kill any career in the creative space. You just have to do, not think.

Casey Neistat

23. Don’t be a slave to praise.

Casey Neistat

24. Always ask yourself: “Am I living the life the I want?” Constantly evaluate where you are in life to make sure you are heading towards the direction you want.

Casey Neistat

25. As a guiding principle, life shrinks and life expands in direct proportion to your willingness to assume risk.

Casey Neistat

26. Do what you can’t.

Casey Neistat

27. The only time I get depressed is when I am not being productive, it’s when I am not accomplishing or doing or contributing in any way. Nothing makes me less happy than relaxation and sitting around with nothing to do.

Casey Neistat

28. Work hard, be brave.

Casey Neistat

29. The biggest risk is to take no risk at all.

Casey Neistat

30. Always the stairs. Never the escalator.

Casey Neistat

31. The most dangerous thing you can do in life is play it safe.

Casey Neistat

32. Story is king. Everything else is slave to story.

Casey Neistat

33. It’s not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it.

Casey Neistat

34. If you’re fit now, take advantage of it. If you have a free hour, take advantage of it. If you have an idea now, take advantage of it. All those things are fleeting, and all those things are temporary.

Casey Neistat

35. You can get whatever you want, but you can’t want whatever you want.

Casey Neistat

36. It’s not how much time you spend doing what you love. It’s how little time you spend doing what you hate.

Casey Neistat

37. Sometimes we need to let go of the old to make room for the new.

Casey Neistat

38. It’s a lot easier to be mean than to be nice. So mean people, on top of being jerks, are also lazy and uninventive.

Casey Neistat

39. Never get comfortable.

Casey Neistat

40. Persistence and endurance will make you omnipotent.

Casey Neistat

41. I want to write a script that automatically replies GO FUCK YOURSELF everytime someone says ‘but the weather’ regarding life in LA. I want this script to both work on twitter and IRL.. not sure how the IRL part would work but thats what I want.

Casey Neistat

42. Don’t try to fit in—you will be unhappy when you try to be something you are not.

Casey Neistat

43. Being nice takes work, that’s why I really like people who are nice.

Casey Neistat

44. Don’t worry about pursuing others, worry about getting others to pursue you.

Casey Neistat

45. One of my first questions when I interview prospective employees is, ‘Do you know how big a sheet of plywood is?’ Most people don’t, and say they are different sizes, but it’s 4′ x 8′. Anyway, working with your hands is a very American thing that we kinda lost here, but it’s an important skill to have.

Casey Neistat

46. A shared life is a great life.

Casey Neistat

47. If you’re doing what everyone else is doing, you’re doing it wrong.

Casey Neistat

48. I washed dishes so I could make movies. it was never a way for me to make money.

Casey Neistat

49. Without a goal you can’t score.

Casey Neistat

50. More often than not I find myself in situations where I have no idea what I’m doing, and I feel no shame in revealing that.

Casey Neistat

51. Some day I won’t be able to do this. The right time is now.

Casey Neistat

52. The technical process which is interesting in it’s own right but I think the creative process is what’s more intriguing to me.

Casey Neistat

53. You either act on ideas or you set them free. You don’t dwell on ideas.

Casey Neistat

54. When you are taught the right way to do something you are forced to forge your own path.

Casey Neistat

55. You never ‘make’ it. There is no end goal in life so you should enjoy the journey.

Casey Neistat

56. I made a living for 10 years making very typical TV commercials. But I always wanted to reach beyond that and do stuff that people might relate to in the way they relate to my non-branded content.

Casey Neistat

57. Challenge everything in life. Never accept the norm.

Casey Neistat

58. Sure an well-armed adult could take on 42 penguins but what about an elderly person or a child? Is anyone asking these questions?

Casey Neistat

59. I have a rule. Ignore praise, embrace criticism. I never seek compliment, its generally a dead-end.

Casey Neistat

60. I never want to be comfortable; I never want to feel safe, that is the fast track to being irrelevant. I want to keep it fresh. I want to mix it up.

Casey Neistat

61. The best way to find something you love is by doing something you hate.

Casey Neistat

62. Keep yourself extremely busy. As long as you’re doing something you will find your path.

Casey Neistat

63. I won’t hire someone or date a girl who has not worked in a restaurant, and that’s the honest truth. I don’t think you know how it is until you’ve worked in a restaurant.

Casey Neistat

64. Why is it that the very best car touch screen in 2021 is still less responsive and more laggy than a 10 year old $300 iPad?

Casey Neistat

65. I actively pursue experiences that are unlike any others that I’ve experienced and cultures that I don’t know and unfamiliar places and unfamiliar history and things like that.

Casey Neistat

66. Tried to purchase a $29 movie via Disney+ but the payment process involved entering my 20 character email password via my tv remote. After 4 attempts and 4 error messages I gave up. It’s 2021, why is all e-commerce not as easy as Amazon?

Casey Neistat

67. The reason why people wear pajamas to the airport in the first place is so that they’ll be comfortable during their flight. But you know, typically, air travel is 50 to 75 percent of the time you spend traveling. The rest of the time you spend in public places like airports and around other people. That’s when looking good trumps comfort.

Casey Neistat

68. Live as if it were impossible to fail.

Casey Neistat

69. Truth is so much more interesting than the fiction we’re used to.

Casey Neistat

70. Success is not a destination.

Casey Neistat

71. I have 60-plus videos on YouTube and over 30 million views. Of those 60, only three or four are branded videos. I built that audience by telling stories the way I like to tell them.

Casey Neistat

72. Never understood why my dad listened to 60s music when I was a kid and now here I am, an old man myself, listening to that 90s music trying to explain to my kids why I love it.

Casey Neistat

73. I was always the guy who jumped off the roof of the garage, who could climb up the facade of a building.

Casey Neistat

74. There are always good reasons not to do things, but if you really believe that there’s something you have to do, the universe has a way of making it okay.

Casey Neistat

75. Every time I took these bigger risks, the opportunity for a bigger payout was always there.

Casey Neistat

Joshua is the editor of Execute Resources. He actively sources the best bites of motivation for the Execute Resources library. As a company, we believe in empowering individuals by creating epic content that moves real humans forward! Execute daily. Empower Your life. Build a legacy.

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